Table Arrangement


Imported Fragrant Lilly, Eustoma, Blue Aster, Light purple statie in special basket

Imported Fragrant Lilly, Eustoma, Blue Aster, Light purple statie in special basket


Crimson Kisses

Table arrangement filled with imported red roses, gerbera and hypericum red

Table arrangement filled with imported red roses, gerbera and hypericum red



Imported pink roses, Cymbidium Orchids, Blue Hydrangea, A very nice cubby graduate bear

Imported pink roses, Cymbidium Orchids, Blue Hydrangea, A very nice cubby graduate bear


Lilac Posy

Beautiful Table Arrangement filled with Imported Sweet pink Gerbera, White eustomas, Purple Liat...

Beautiful Table Arrangement filled with Imported Sweet pink Gerbera, White eustomas, Purple Liatris


Floral Showers

Imported Orange colour roses, Cream gerbera, orange pom, carnation spray in unique basket

Imported Orange colour roses, Cream gerbera, orange pom, carnation spray in unique basket



Imported Fragrant Lilies, Shocking Pink Roses, Pink Carnation Spray, Green Pom

Imported Fragrant Lilies, Shocking Pink Roses, Pink Carnation Spray, Green Pom



Long low table arrangement filled Imported White Roses, Carnation Spray, Eustoma White, Baby Breath

Long low table arrangement filled Imported White Roses, Carnation Spray, Eustoma White, Baby Breath


Blooming Affairs

Imported pink roses, pink carnations, blue phoenix, pink carnation spray filled in a unique basket

Imported pink roses, pink carnations, blue phoenix, pink carnation spray filled in a unique basket



$138.00 $168.00


$198.00 $228.00

Blooming Love

Imported sweet pink roses, Elegant white calla lilies,surrounded by euonymus japonicus * The col...

Imported sweet pink roses, Elegant white calla lilies,surrounded by euonymus japonicus * The colour of roses and wrapper can be changed according to customers request *


Birds of Paradise

Bird of paradise, hypericum, purple limonium filled in a unique vase

Bird of paradise, hypericum, purple limonium filled in a unique vase
